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Scripture Verse

The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18


Words: Fred­er­ick Whit­field (1829–1904).

Music: Whit­field, Greek tune (🔊 ).

Frederick Whitfield


I saw the cross of Je­sus,
When bur­dened with my sin,
I sought the cross of Je­sus,
To give me peace with­in;
I brought my soul to Je­sus,
He cleansed it in His blood;
And in the cross of Je­sus
I found my peace with God.

I love the cross of Je­sus,
It tells me what I am—
A vile and guil­ty crea­ture,
Saved on­ly through the Lamb;
No right­eous­ness, nor mer­it,
No beau­ty I can plead;
Yet in the cross of glo­ry,
My ti­tle there I read.

I clasp the cross of Je­sus
In ev­ery try­ing hour,
My sure and cer­tain re­fuge,
My nev­er fail­ing tow­er;
In ev­ery fear and con­flict,
I more than con­quer­or am;
Living I’m safe, or dy­ing,
Thro’ Christ, the ris­en Lamb.

Sweet is the cross of Je­sus!
There let my wea­ry heart
Still rest in peace un­shak­en,
Till with Him, ne’er to part;
And then in strains of glo­ry
I’ll sing His won­drous pow­er,
Where sin can nev­er en­ter,
And death is known no more.