The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
Words: Frederick Whitfield (1829–1904).
Music: Whitfield, Greek tune (🔊
I saw the cross of Jesus,
When burdened with my sin,
I sought the cross of Jesus,
To give me peace within;
I brought my soul to Jesus,
He cleansed it in His blood;
And in the cross of Jesus
I found my peace with God.
I love the cross of Jesus,
It tells me what I am—
A vile and guilty creature,
Saved only through the Lamb;
No righteousness, nor merit,
No beauty I can plead;
Yet in the cross of glory,
My title there I read.
I clasp the cross of Jesus
In every trying hour,
My sure and certain refuge,
My never failing tower;
In every fear and conflict,
I more than conqueror am;
Living I’m safe, or dying,
Thro’ Christ, the risen Lamb.
Sweet is the cross of Jesus!
There let my weary heart
Still rest in peace unshaken,
Till with Him, ne’er to part;
And then in strains of glory
I’ll sing His wondrous power,
Where sin can never enter,
And death is known no more.