Scripture Verse

Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around and see. Is any suffering like my suffering that was inflicted on Me, that the Lord brought on Me in the day of His fierce anger? Lamentations 1:12


Howard Doane (1832–1915)

Words: Da­ni­el B. Pur­in­ton, in Notes of Glad­ness, ed­it­ed by How­ard Doane (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1899).

Music: W. How­ard Doane (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel B. Purinton (1850–1933)


Is it no­thing to thee, is it no­thing to thee,
That thy Lord and Re­deem­er His love hath re­vealed?
Is it no­thing to thee, is it no­thing to thee,
That He died on the cross and thy par­don sealed?
Oh, ’tis some­thing to me, yes, ’tis some­thing to me,
That the voice of His love still is call­ing to­day;
Oh, ’tis some­thing to me, yes, ’tis some­thing to me;
I will hear from my heart and with joy ob­ey.


Come, come, come, He’s call­ing to­day,
Haste, haste, haste, no long­er delay,
List, list, Je­sus is call­ing thee now,
Come, come, before Him now.

Is it no­thing to thee, is it no­thing to thee,
That thy sin la­den feet from the Sav­ior have turned?
Is it no­thing to thee, is it no­thing to thee,
That the voice of His mer­cy thy heart hath spurned?
Oh, ’tis some­thing to me, yes, ’tis something to me,
That He call­eth me back, where­so­ev­er I roam,
Oh, ’tis some­thing to me, yes, ’tis some­thing to me,
That I still may re­turn and be wel­comed home.


Is it no­thing to thee, is it no­thing to thee,
That eter­ni­ty com­eth and death draw­eth near?
Is it no­thing to thee, is it no­thing to thee?
Canst thou go when He call­eth, with­out a fear?
Oh, ’tis some­thing to me, yes, ’tis some­thing to me,
When at last I shall stand on eter­ni­ty’s shore,
Oh, ’tis some­thing to me, yes, ’tis some­thing to me,
To be ho­ly and hap­py for­ev­er­more.
