Scripture Verse

The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:23


Herbert E. Buffum (1879–1939)

Words: Her­bert E. Buf­fum, 1922.

Music: Ro­bert E. Win­sett (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert E. Winsett


There’s a coun­try far be­yond the star­ry sky,
There’s a ci­ty where there ne­ver comes a night;
If we’re faith­ful we shall go there by and by,
’Tis the ci­ty where the Lamb is the light.


In that ci­ty where the Lamb is the light,
The ci­ty where there com­eth no night;
I’ve a man­sion over there,
And when free from toil and care,
I am go­ing where the Lamb is the light.

Here we have our days of sun­shine, but we know
That the sun which shines up­on us now so bright
Will be changed to clouds and rain un­til we go
To the ci­ty where the Lamb is the light.


There the flowers bloom for­ev­er and the day
Shall be one eter­nal day without a night;
And our tears shall be for­ev­er wiped away,
In that city where the Lamb is the light.


Here we have our disappointments all the while,
And our fondest hopes but meet with bitter blight;
Tho’ by night we weep, the morning brings a smile,
In that city where the Lamb is the light.


Then let sunlight fade, let twilight bring its gloom,
Not a shadow can my blissful soul affright;
For I know that up in Hea­ven there is room,
In that city where the Lamb is the light.
