Scripture Verse

He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. Luke 24:27


Christopher Wordsworth

Words: Chris­to­pher Words­worth, The Ho­ly Year (Lon­don: Ri­ving­tons, 1862), num­ber 46. In the 1863 edi­tion, it be­gins Lord, Thy glo­ri­ous Re­sur­rec­tion, and a dox­olo­gy was add­ed.

Music: Bo­nar (Cal­kin) John B. Cal­kin, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cal­kin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John B. Calkin (1827–1905)


In Thy glo­ri­ous re­sur­rect­ion,
Lord, we see a world’s erect­ion,
Man in Thee is glo­ri­fied.
Bliss, for which the pa­tri­archs pant­ed,
Joys, by ho­ly sag­es chant­ed,
Now in Thee are ve­ri­fied.

Oracles of for­mer ages,
Veiled in dim pro­phet­ic pag­es,
Now lie op­en to the sight;
Now the types, which glim­mered dark­ling
In the twi­light gloom, are spark­ling,
In the blaze of noon­day light.

Isaac from the wood is ris­en;
Joseph is­sues from the pri­son;
See the Pas­chal Lamb which saves;
Israel through the sea is land­ed,
Pharaoh and his hosts are strand­ed,
And are whelm­èd in the waves.

See the cloudy pil­lar lead­ing,
Rock re­fresh­ing, man­na feed­ing;
Joshua fights and Mo­ses prays;
See the lift­ed wave-sheaf, cheer­ing
Pledge of har­vest-fruits ap­pear­ing,
Joyful dawn of hap­py days.

Samson here at night is tear­ing
Gaza’s bra­zen gates, and bear­ing
To the top of Heb­ron’s hill;
Jonah comes from stor­my surg­es,
From his three-days’ grave emerg­es,
Bids be­ware of com­ing ill.

Thus Thy re­sur­rect­ion’s glo­ry
Sheds a light on an­cient sto­ry;
And it casts a for­ward ray,
Beacon light of so­lemn warn­ing,
To the dawn of that great morn­ing
Ushering in the judg­ment day.

Ever since Thy death and ris­ing
Thou the na­tions art bap­tiz­ing
In Thy death’s si­mi­li­tude;
Dead to sin, and ev­er dy­ing,
And our mem­bers mor­ti­fy­ing,
May we walk with life re­newed!

Forth from Thy first East­er go­ing
Sundays are for ev­er flow­ing
Onward to a bound­less sea;
Lord, may they for Thee pre­pare us,
On a ho­ly ri­ver bear us
To a calm eter­ni­ty.