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Scripture Verse

There is but a step between me and death. 1 Samuel 20:3


Martin Luther (1483–1546)

Words: Mar­tin Lu­ther, 1524 (Mit­ten wir im Le­ben sind). Com­po­site trans­la­tion.

Music: Mit­ten wir im Le­ben sind, based on Me­dia Vi­ta, cir­ca 1200 (🔊 ).


In the midst of earth­ly life
Snares of death sur­round us;
Who shall help us in the strife
Lest the foe con­found us?
Thou on­ly, Lord, Thou on­ly!
We mourn that we have great­ly erred,
That our sins Thy wrath have stirred.
Holy and right­eous God!
Holy and migh­ty God!
Holy and all mer­ci­ful Sav­ior!
Eternal Lord God!
Save us lest we per­ish
In the bit­ter pangs of death.
Have mer­cy, O Lord!

In the midst of death’s dark vale
Powers of hell o’er­take us.
Who will help when they as­sail,
Who se­cure will make us?
Thou on­ly, Lord, Thou on­ly!
Thy heart is moved with ten­der­ness,
Pities us in our dis­tress.
Holy and right­eous God!
Holy and migh­ty God!
Holy and all mer­ci­ful Sav­ior!
Eternal Lord God!
Save us from the ter­ror
Of the fie­ry pit of hell.
Have mer­cy, O Lord!

In the midst of ut­ter woe
When our sins op­press us,
Where shall we for re­fuge go,
Where for grace to bless us?
To Thee, Lord Je­sus, on­ly!
Thy pre­cious blood was shed to win
Full atone­ment for our sin.
Holy and right­eous God!
Holy and migh­ty God!
Holy and all mer­ci­ful Sav­ior!
Eternal Lord God!
Lord, pre­serve and keep us
In the peace that faith can give.
Have mer­cy, O Lord!