Scripture Verse

I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6


Words: Will O. Jones, 1919.

Music: Ha­na­ni­ah Will O. Jones, 1919 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Will O. Jones


Jesus my friend, my Lord, my king,
Thou art the rock to which I cling;
I know Thy pro­mise is for me:
I claim it, Lord, I’m free!


I trust in Thee to take me thru,
I trust in Thee to keep me true;
Thou art the life, the truth, the way,
Lead Thou me on to realms of day.

Jesus my rock, in Thee I hide,
Whatever ill my soul be­tide;
How safe am I from strife and sin
The rift­ed rock with­in!


Thou art the re­ser­voir of grace;
My trem­bling hand in Thine I place;
Let storms break forth and thun­ders roll,
There’s peace with­in my soul.


My soul is safe, my an­chor’s cast,
The morn of joy will break at last;
Then I shall see my Sav­ior king
And His high prais­es sing.
