I am bringing a flood…to destroy every creature under heaven…But I will establish My covenant with you, and you will enter the ark with your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives.
Genesis 6:17–18
Words: Christopher Wordsworth, The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons, 1862), number 27, alt.
Music: Meiringen Christian G. Neefe, 1777 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tunes:
It will not come, it will not come
They reck not of the flood.
And wherefore with such weary toil
Build up that pile of wood?
How should thine ark e’er reach the sea?
How on this midland floated be?
The sea’s great gulfs are broken up;
Heav’n’s windows opened are;
For forty days the rain prevails;
The mountains disappear.
The faithless die; the ark, their scorn,
Safe on the flood, their grave, is borne.
Lord, give us willing hearts to hear
Not this world’s voice, but Thine,
To fear Thy warnings, and to love
Thy means of grace divine;
Go in Thine ark, and there abide,
Unscarred by wind and foaming tide.
So when another flood shall come—
Not water, but of fire—
When in the billowy surge of flame,
All nature shall expire,
We in Thy heav’nly ark may be,
Anchored on Ararat with Thee.