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Scripture Verse

Who is willing to consecrate himself today to the Lord? 1 Chronicles 29:5


Words & Mu­sic: M. Ho­mer Cum­mings, in Soul Stir­ring Songs, ed­it­ed by Mr. & Mrs. Ben­son and Mr & Mrs. Cum­mings (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Pen­te­cost­al Mis­sion Pub­lish­ing, 1919) (🔊 ).

M. Homer Cummings (1890–1978)


I want my life to count for Je­sus,
As thro’ the world I go;
I long to be so true and faith­ful,
That oth­ers may His good­ness know.
I want my life to count for Him,
In ser­vice ev­ery day;
In all I do, in all I say,
I want my life to count for Him.

I want my life to speak for Je­sus,
In words of love and cheer,
That lone­ly hearts by grief o’er­tak­en
May feel His bless­èd pre­sence near.
I want my life to speak for Him,
In ser­vice ev­ery day;
In all I do, in all I say,
I want my life to speak for Him.

I want my life to shine for Je­sus—
Lost souls are in the night;
If I re­flect His beams of mer­cy,
I’ll lead them to the Gos­pel light.
I want my life to shine for Him,
In ser­vice ev­ery day;
In all I do, in all I say,
I want my life to shine for Him.

I want to go and dwell with Je­sus
When life on earth is o’er;
No bit­ter tears, no dis­ap­point­ments,
I’ll be with Him for­ev­er­more.
I want to go and dwell with Him
In Heav­en by and by;
No flow­ers fade, none ev­er die,
I want to go and dwell with Him.