Who is willing to consecrate himself today to the Lord?
1 Chronicles 29:5
Words & Music: M. Homer Cummings, in Soul Stirring Songs, edited by Mr. & Mrs. Benson and Mr & Mrs. Cummings (Nashville, Tennessee: Pentecostal Mission Publishing, 1919) (🔊
I want my life to count for Jesus,
As thro’ the world I go;
I long to be so true and faithful,
That others may His goodness know.
I want my life to count for Him,
In service every day;
In all I do, in all I say,
I want my life to count for Him.
I want my life to speak for Jesus,
In words of love and cheer,
That lonely hearts by grief o’ertaken
May feel His blessèd presence near.
I want my life to speak for Him,
In service every day;
In all I do, in all I say,
I want my life to speak for Him.
I want my life to shine for Jesus—
Lost souls are in the night;
If I reflect His beams of mercy,
I’ll lead them to the Gospel light.
I want my life to shine for Him,
In service every day;
In all I do, in all I say,
I want my life to shine for Him.
I want to go and dwell with Jesus
When life on earth is o’er;
No bitter tears, no disappointments,
I’ll be with Him forevermore.
I want to go and dwell with Him
In Heaven by and by;
No flowers fade, none ever die,
I want to go and dwell with Him.