Scripture Verse

I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:2


Words & Mu­sic: Af­ri­can-Am­eri­can spir­it­ual (🔊 pdf nwc).


I want to be rea­dy,
I want to be rea­dy,
I want to be rea­dy,
To walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.

John said the city was just four­square,
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.
And he declared he’d meet me there,
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.


O John, O John, what do you say?
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.
That I’ll be there at the com­ing day,
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.


When Pe­ter was preach­ing at Pen­te­cost
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.
He was en­dowed with the Ho­ly Ghost,
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.


If you get there before I do,
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.
Tell all my friend I’m a-com­in’, too,
Walk in Je­ru­sa­lem just like John.
