Scripture Verse

Those that seek Me early shall find Me. Proverbs 8:17


Words: Lu­cin­da B. Bate­man, in Songs of Re­joic­ing, ed­it­ed by Fred­er­ick Fill­more (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1888).

Music: Bad Can­statt Fred­er­ick A. Fil­lmore (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bate­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Frederick A. Fillmore (1856–1925)


I will ear­ly seek the Sav­ior,
I will learn of Him each day;
I will fol­low in His foot­steps,
I will walk the nar­row way.


For He loves me, yes, He loves me,
Jesus loves me, this I know.
Jesus loves me, died to save me,
This is why I love Him so.

I will hast­en where He bids me,
I am not too young to go,
In the path­way where He lead­eth,
Not too young His will to know.


He is stand­ing at the door­way
Of es­cape from ev­ery sin;
I will knock, for He has pro­mised,
He will hear and let me in.
