Scripture Verse

I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not…I will make darkness light before them. Isaiah 42:16


Charles P. Jones (1865–1949)

Words: Charles P. Jones, 1916.

Music: Pe­ru­gia Charles P. Jones, 1916 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Jones,


I will make the dark­ness light be­fore thee,
What is wrong I’ll make it right be­fore thee,
All thy bat­tles I will fight be­fore thee,
And the high place I’ll bring down.


When thou walk­est by the way I’ll lead thee,
On the fat­ness of the land I’ll feed thee,
And a man­sion in the sky I’ll deed thee,
And the high place I’ll bring down.

With an ev­er­last­ing love I’ll love thee,
Though with tri­als deep and sore I’ll prove thee,
But there’s no­thing that can hurt or move thee,
And the high place I’ll bring down.


Although Sa­tan in his rage would tear thee,
And with all his winn­ing arts would snare thee,
Even down to thine old age I’ll bear thee,
And the high place I’ll bring down.


I will make the dark­ness light be­fore thee,
I will make the crook­ed straight be­fore thee,
I will spread My wings pro­tect­ing o’er thee,
And the high place I’ll bring down.
