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Scripture Verse

I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength. Psalm 18:1


Madame Guyon (1648–1717)

Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Ma­dame Guy­on (1648–1717). Trans­lat­or un­known.

Music: Rhone Stan­ley L. Krebs, 1899 (🔊 ).

Stanley L. Krebs (1864–1935)


From The Sun­day School Hym­nal (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hei­del­berg Press, 1899), num­ber 141:

I would love Thee, God and Fa­ther,
My Re­deem­er and my king:
I would love Thee, for with­out Thee,
Life is but a bi­tter thing.
I would love Thee; look up­on me,
Ever guide me with Thine eye:
I would love Thee; if not nour­ished
By Thy love, my soul would die.

I would love Thee; may Thy bright­ness
Dazzle my re­joic­ing eyes;
I would love Thee; may Thy good­ness
Watch from Heav’n o’er all I prize.
I would love Thee, I have vowed it;
On Thy love my heart is set;
While I love Thee, I will nev­er
My Re­deem­er’s blood for­get.

Cento from The Sabbath Hymn Book (New York: Ma­son Bro­thers, 1858), num­ber 649, & The Chris­tian’s Penny Magazine, ed­it­ed by J. Campbell & F. S. Williams (Congregational Union of England & Wales, 1858), page 140:

I would love Thee, God and Fa­ther,
My Re­deem­er and my king:
I would love Thee, for with­out Thee,
Life is but a bit­ter thing.

I would love Thee; ev­ery bless­ing
Flows to me from out Thy throne:
I would love Thee—He who loves Thee
Never feels him­self alone.

I would love Thee; look up­on me,
Ever guide me with Thine eye:
I would love Thee; if not nour­ished
By Thy love, my soul would die.

I would love Thee; may Thy bright­ness
Dazzle my re­joic­ing eyes!
I would love Thee; may Thy good­ness
Watch from Heav’n o’er all I prize.

I would love Thee—Thee, my re­fuge—
While the ev­il days in­crease.
I would love Thee; Thee I seek for,
Thou ex­haust­less source of peace.

I would love Thee, I have vowed it;
On Thy love my heart is set:
While I love Thee, I will nev­er
My Re­deemer’s blood for­get.