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Scripture Verse

He has risen, just as He said. Matthew 28:6


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: 14th Cen­tu­ry Bo­he­mi­an La­tin car­ol (Sur­rex­it Christ­us ho­die). The first trans­la­tion ap­peared in Ly­ra Da­vi­di­ca, or a Col­lect­ion of Di­vine Songs and Hymns (John Walsh: 1708).

Stanzas 1–3 took their cur­rent form in The Com­pleat Psalm­ist, by John Ar­nold (Lon­don: 1749). Stan­za 4 is by Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, 1740, alt.

Music: Llanfair Ro­bert Will­iams, 1817. Har­mo­ny by John Ro­berts, 1837 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

  • St. John Dam­as­cene Ar­thur H. Brown, in the ap­pen­dix to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 )
John Roberts (1822–1877)


Jesus Christ is ris­en today, Al­le­lu­ia!
Our tri­umph­ant ho­ly day, Al­le­lu­ia!
Who did once, up­on the cross, Al­le­lu­ia!
Suffer to re­deem our loss, Al­le­lu­ia!

Hymns of praise then let us sing, Al­le­lu­ia!
Unto Christ, our heav­en­ly king, Al­le­lu­ia!
Who en­dured the cross and grave, Al­le­lu­ia!
Sinners to re­deem and save, Al­le­lu­ia!

But the pains which He en­dured, Al­le­lu­ia!
Our sal­va­tion hath pro­cured, Al­le­lu­ia!
Now above the sky He’s king, Al­le­lu­ia!
Where the an­gels ev­er sing, Al­le­lu­ia!

Sing we to our God ab­ove, Al­le­lu­ia!
Praise eter­nal as His love, Al­le­lu­ia!
Praise Him, all you heav­en­ly host, Al­le­lu­ia!
Father, Son, and Ho­ly Ghost, Al­le­lu­ia!