Scripture Verse

Come and see. John 1:39


Words: From A New Se­lect­ion of Se­ven Hun­dred Evan­ge­li­cal Hymns for Pri­vate, Fa­mi­ly, and Pub­lic Wor­ship…In­tend­ed as a Sup­ple­ment to Dr. Watts’ Psalms and Tunes, by John Do­bell (Lon­don: Wil­liams & Smith, 1806), pag­es 353–55.

Music: Ward ar­ranged from a Scot­tish tune by Lo­well Ma­son, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Do­bell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Jesus! dear name, how sweet it sounds!
Replete with balm for all my wounds!
His Word de­clares His grace is free,
Come, needy sin­ner, Come and see.

He left the shin­ing courts on high,
Came to our world to bleed and die;
Jesus, the God, hung on a tree:
Come, thought­less sin­ner, come and see.

Your sins did pierce His bleed­ing heart,
Till death had done its dread­ful part;
Yet His dear love still burns to thee,
Come, trem­bling sin­ner, come and see.

His blood can cleanse the foul­est stain,
Can make the fil­thy le­per clean;
This fount­ain op­en stands for thee,
Come, guil­ty sin­ner, come and see.

The gar­ments of His shin­ing grace,
His glo­ri­ous robe of right­eous­ness;
In this ar­ray thou bright shall be;
Come, nak­ed sin­ner, come and see.

No tongue can tell what glo­ries shine
In our Im­ma­nu­el, all di­vine;
O that in sweet­est me­lo­dy
Each heart may sing, He died for me.