Scripture Verse

Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness. Psalm 65:11


Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, No­vem­ber 25, 1872. Writ­ten at Leam­ing­ton, Eng­land. Print­ed in the Days­pring Ma­ga­zine, Jan­ua­ry 1873, and pub­lished in Life Chords, 1880.

Music: Her­mas Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, Psal­mo­dy (Lon­don: 1871) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frances R. Havergal (1836–1879)


Jesus, bless­èd Sav­ior, help us now to raise
Songs of glad thanks­giv­ing, songs of ho­ly praise.
Oh, how kind and gra­cious Thou hast al­ways been!
Oh, how ma­ny bless­ings ev­ery day has seen!
Jesus, bless­èd Sav­ior, now our prais­es hear,
For Thy grace and fa­vor crown­ing all the year.

Jesus, ho­ly Sav­ior, on­ly Thou canst tell
How we oft­en stum­bled, how we oft­en fell!
All our sins (so ma­ny!) Sav­ior, Thou dost know:
In Thy blood most pre­cious, wash us white as snow.
Jesus, bless­èd Sav­ior, keep us in Thy fear,
Let Thy grace and fa­vor pardon all the year.

Jesus, lov­ing Sav­ior, on­ly Thou dost know
All that may be­fall us as we on­ward go;
So we hum­bly pray Thee, take us by the hand,
Lead us ev­er up­ward to the bet­ter land.
Jesus, bless­èd Sav­ior, keep us ev­er near,
Let Thy grace and fa­vor shield us all the year.

Jesus, pre­cious Sav­ior, make us all Thine own,
Make us Thine for­ev­er, make us Thine alone.
Let each day, each mo­ment of this glad new year,
Be for Je­sus on­ly, Je­sus, Sav­ior dear.
Then, O bless­èd Sav­ior, ne­ver need we fear:
For Thy grace and fa­vor crown our bright New Year.