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Scripture Verse

The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee. Psalm 20:1


Words: Scot­tish Psal­ter and Pa­ra­phras­es, 1650.

Music: Wirth Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (1816–1868) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

William Bradbury


Jehovah hear thee in the day
When trou­ble He doth send:
And let the name of Ja­cob’s God
Thee from all ill de­fend.

O let Him help send from ab­ove,
Out of His sanc­tu­ary:
From Si­on, His own ho­ly hill,
Let Him give strength to thee.

Let Him re­mem­ber all thy gifts,
Accept thy sac­ri­fice:
Grant thee thine heart’s wish, and ful­fill
Thy thoughts and coun­sel wise.

In Thy sal­va­tion we will joy;
In our God’s name we will
Display our ban­ners: and the Lord
Thy pray­ers all ful­fill.

Now know I God His king doth save:
He from His ho­ly Heav’n
Will hear him, with the sav­ing strength
By His own right hand giv’n.

In cha­ri­ots some put con­fi­dence,
Some hors­es trust up­on:
But we re­mem­ber will the name
Of our Lord God alone.

We rise, and up­right stand, when they
Are bow­èd down, and fall.
Deliver, Lord; and let the King
Us hear, when we do call.