You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
Psalm 145:16
Words: In The Presbyterian Book of Praise, General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (London & Oxford, England: Henry Frowde & University Press, 1897), number 115, crediting Cotterill’s ‘Christian Psalmody,’ 1831,
Music: Germany, Sacred Melodies, by William Gardiner, 1815 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
Jehovah very gracious is,
And He doth great compassion show;
Abundant mercy too is His,
And unto anger He is slow.
Good unto all men is the Lord:
O’er all His works His mercy is.
Thy works all praise to Thee afford:
Thy saints, O Lord, Thy name shall bless.
The glory of Thy kingdom show
Shall they, and of Thy power tell;
That so men’s sons Thy deeds may know,
Thy kingdom’s grace that doth excel.
Thy kingdom hath no end at all,
It doth through ages all remain.
The Lord upholdeth all that fall,
The cast-down raiseth up again.
The eyes of all upon Thee wait;
In season Thou their food dost give;
Thine opened hand, with bounty great,
Supplies the wants of all that live.