With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:3
Words: Matthew Wilks, in A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns, edited by John Dobell (Morristown, New Jersey: Peter A. Johnson, 1810).
Music: Xavier Francis H. Champneys, in Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1875 (🔊
Jesu’s precious name excels
Jordan’s streams, and Salem’s wells;
Thirsty sinners, come and draw,
Quench the flames of Sinai’s law.
Fearful sinners, come and try—
Draw and drink with inward joy;
Christ is fresh, and full, and free;
Sinners, come, whoe’er you be.
See the waters springing up,
To revive your languid hope;
Fill your vessels, as it rolls,
And refresh your weary souls.
Lo! the Spirit now invites!
Lo! the happy Bride unites!
Jesus calls, be not afraid,
Lo! for you the well was made!
Justice made it in the Lamb,
Mercy grants it thro’ His name;
Faith receives a full supply;
Those who drink it cannot die.
Careless sinner, let me tell,
Not a drop is found in hell;
Not a drop to ease your smart,
Not a drop to cool your heart.
Haste you to the Lamb of God,
Seek salvation in His blood;
In it there is boundless store,
For ten thousand thousands more.
Constant tributes let us bring,
For this soul refreshing spring;
Constant let our praises rise,
’Till we drink above the skies.