The sufferings of Christ.
2 Corinthians 1:5
Words: Sigismund von Birken, in Johann Saubert’s Nürnbergisches Gesang Buch (Nuremberg, Germany: Gerhard & Göbel, 1676), number 83 (Jesu, deine Passion). Translated from German to English by Arthur T. Russell, Psalms and Hymns (Cambridge, England: John Deighton, 1851), number 87.
Music: Jesu Kreuz, Leiden und Pein Melchior Vulpius, Ein schön geistlich Gesangbuch (Jena, Germany: 1609) (🔊
Jesu! Be Thy suffering love
Now my meditation:
Aid me from Thy throne above:
Bless my contemplation.
Now unto mine heart appear,
As, for my salvation,
Thou wast once a sufferer here—
Thou our expiation!
Let my faith behold Thee, Lord,
As for me surrounded
With derision, with the sword
Of revilers wounded:
Lo! the scourge—the crown of thorn,
Spear and nails all rend Thee!
Lo! Thy cruel foes with scorn
On the cross extend Thee!
Let me not in vain behold
What Thou hast endurèd:
Lord, the cause—the fruit unfold—
Fruit Thy death procurèd:
Lord, to Thee the cause I own,
I and my transgression:
Not Thy heathen foes alone
Owe to Thee confession.
Let me still with sorrowing heart
Be Thy griefs reviewing;
Nor by sin new grief impart,
All Thy wounds renewing.
Therein shall I pleasure take—
When for my transgression
God did an atonement make
Great beyond expression?