Scripture Verse

Receive the Holy Spirit. John 20:22


Words: Hen­ry I. Ras­mus, in Songs of the Cen­tu­ry, ed­it­ed by George El­der­kin et al. (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: George D. El­der­kin, 1900), num­ber 58.

Music: George D. El­der­kin (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ras­mus or El­der­kin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


’Twas in the star­less night of sor­row
That He found me,
When the spec­ter of my grief was hold­ing sway;
O ’twas then He threw His lov­ing pow­er around me,
And chased the shades of sor­row all away.


Jesus found me, hal­le­lu­jah! Je­sus found me!
I shall nev­er, nev­er cease His praise to sing,
And when time shall end
And Heav­en ope­ns round me,
I’ll kiss His feet, and end­less hom­age bring.

’Twas on the sea of sin­ful plea­sure
That He found me,
And the sky was black, the storm was bod­ing ill;
When He spoke in won­drous voice,
The waves com­mand­ing,
Oh heed, ye ang­ry pas­sion, peace, be still.


’Twas when the lamp of faith was burn­ing low
He found me,
And no ho­ney drops were on the cha­lice rim,
That He said, My child, when­ev­er did I fail thee?
My Spir­it take, let vic­to­ry here be­gin.


’Twas in the hour of ho­ly tri­umph
That He found me,
On the mount­ain top of vi­sion with my Lord,
And I walked with scenes of glo­ry all around us,
And shout­ed, Hal­le­lu­jah! un­to God.
