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Scripture Verse

A name which is above every name. Philippians 2:9


Benjamin Schmolck

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Words: Ben­ja­min Schmolck, 1726 (Mein­en Je­sum lass ich nicht). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by James D. Burns. Pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly in Mem­oir and Re­mains of the Rev. James D. Burns, M.A., of Hamp­stead, by James Ham­il­ton (Lon­don: J. Nis­bet, 1869), page 262.

Music: Sax­ony (Ham­mer­schmidt) An­dre­as Ham­mer­schmidt, 1658 (🔊 ).

James Burns (1823–1864)


Jesus! shall the watch­word be,
For the year that is be­fore us
Jesus’ name the world shall see
As the ban­ner wav­ing o’er us—
Over all who Him ob­ey,
And are walk­ing in His way.

Jesus’ name and Je­sus’ grace
We in Zi­on are con­fess­ing,
And when­e’er we seek the place
Where that name com­mands the bless­ing,
There we shall His glo­ry see,
There the heart His tem­ple be.

With that name up­on our lips,
We will go where’er He guide us;
With that star be­fore our steps
Nothing ev­il can be­tide us.
Bright will be each hour and place
With the sun­shine of His grace.

Through that name our fie­ry pains
Grow a pu­ri­fy­ing or­deal,
And our bit­ter­est cup con­tains,
Through its pow­er a whole­some cor­di­al.
Jesus’ name is sun and shield,
And will end­less so­lace yield!