Scripture Verse

Show us Thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us Thy salvation. Psalm 85:7


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Our Lord’s Re­sur­rect­ion (Lon­don: Will­iam Stra­han, 1746), num­ber 7.

Music: He Lives Again P. W. Dix­on, 1913 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know Dix­on’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Additional Litany

The orig­in­al pub­lished ver­sion was pre­fixed this li­ta­ny:

By the Mys­te­ry of the ho­ly In­ca­rn­ation; by thy ho­ly Na­ti­vi­ty and Cir­cum­ci­sion; by the Bap­tism, Fast­ing, and Temp­ta­tion; by thine Ag­ony, and bloody Sweat; by thy Cross and Pas­sion; by thy pre­cious Death and Bur­ial; by thy glo­ri­ous Res­ur­rec­tion and As­cen­sion; and by the Com­ing of the Ho­ly Ghost, Good Lord, de­liv­er us.


Jesu, show us Thy sal­va­tion,
In Thy strength we strive with Thee,
By Thy mys­tic in­car­na­tion,
By Thy pure na­ti­vi­ty;
Save us Thou, our New-Cre­at­or,
Into all our souls im­part,
Thy di­vine, un­sin­ning na­ture,
Form Thy­self with­in our heart.

By Thy first blood-shed­ding heal us;
Cut us off from ev­ery sin,
By Thy cir­cum­ci­sion seal us,
Write Thy law of love with­in;
By Thy Spir­it cir­cum­cise us,
Kindle in our hearts a flame;
By Thy bap­tism bap­tize us
Into Thy all glo­ri­ous name.

By Thy fast­ing and temp­ta­tion
Mortify our vain de­sires,
Take away what sense, or pas­sion,
Appetite, or flesh re­quires:
Arm us with Thy self de­ni­al,
Every tempt­ed soul de­fend,
Save us in the fie­ry tri­al,
Make us faith­ful to the end.

By Thy sor­er suf­fer­ings save us,
Save us when con­formed to Thee,
By Thy mi­se­ries re­ceive us,
By Thy pain­ful ago­ny;
When be­neath Thy frown we lang­uish,
When we feel Thine an­ger’s weight,
Save us by Thine un­known ang­uish,
Save us by Thy bloody sweat.

By that high­est point of pas­sion,
By Thy suf­fer­ings on the tree,
Save us from the in­dig­na­tion
Due to all man­kind, and me;
Hanging, bleed­ing, pant­ing, dy­ing,
Gasping out Thy lat­est breath,
By Thy pre­cious death’s ap­ply­ing
Save us from eter­nal death.

From the world of care re­lease us,
By Thy de­cent bu­ri­al save,
Crucified with Thee, O Je­sus,
Hide us in Thy qui­et grave:
By Thy pow­er di­vine­ly glo­ri­ous,
By Thy re­sur­rect­ion’s pow­er
Raise us up, o’er sin vic­to­ri­ous,
Raise us up to fall no more.

By the pomp of Thine as­cend­ing,
Live we here to Hea­ven re­stored,
Live in plea­sures ne­ver end­ing,
Share the por­tion of our Lord:
Let us have our con­ver­sa­tion
With the bless­èd spir­its above,
Saved with all Thy great sal­va­tion,
Perfectly re­newed in love.

Glorious Head, tri­um­phant Sav­ior,
High en­throned above all height,
We have now through Thee found fa­vor,
Righteous in Thy Fa­ther’s sight:
Hears He not Thy pray­er un­ceas­ing?
Can He turn away Thy face:
Send us down the pur­chased bless­ing,
Fullness of the Gos­pel grace.

By the com­ing of Thy Spir­it,
As a migh­ty rush­ing wind,
Save us in­to all Thy me­rit,
Into all Thy sin­less mind;
Let the per­fect gift be giv­en,
Let Thy will in us be seen,
Done on earth as ’tis in Hea­ven,
Lord, Thy Spir­it cries Amen!