Scripture Verse

I will come again. John 14:3


Albert B. Simpson (1843–1919)

Words: Al­bert B. Simp­son, Hymns of the Chris­tian Life No. 3 (New York: Al­li­ance Press, 1904), page 82.

Music: Mar­ga­ret M. Simp­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

Margaret M. Simpson (1878–1958)


Jesus is com­ing again, they say,
Coming to end our sor­row;
Coming again some glo­ri­ous day,
Coming, per­haps to­mor­row.


What are you do­ing, my bro­ther, I pray?
What are you do­ing His com­ing to bring?
What are you do­ing from day to day,
To hast­en the com­ing of the King?

Have you been robed in the rai­ment white,
And are your lights all burn­ing,
Oil in your lamps, and all things right,
Ready for His re­turn­ing?


Have you been watch­ing while oth­ers slept,
Faithful tho’ faint and wea­ry?
Have you been seek­ing the oth­er sheep,
Out on the mount­ains drea­ry?


Have you been send­ing abroad the light,
Telling the old, old sto­ry,
Hasting to bring with all your might,
Christ and His com­ing king­dom?
