I have called you friends.
John 15:15
Words: Avis M. Christiansen, 1921.
Music: J. Edwin McConnell (🔊
I’ve a blest companion ever at my side;
He’s my Lord and Savior, and He’s my guide;
I am trusting daily in His love divine;
He’s a friend of mine.
Jesus is a friend of mine,
Friend of mine, a friend of mine;
Sweeter ever sweeter, is His love divine;
Jesus is a friend of mine.
When I meet temptations Jesus bears me through,
Gives me blessèd vict’ry and keeps me true;
Heaven’s golden sunlight round my path doth shine;
He’s a friend of mine.
What a friend is Jesus in this world of woe!
Oh, how sweet to trust Him, His love to know—
Blessèd Lord and Savior, I’m so glad I’m Thine;
He’s a friend of mine.