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Scripture Verse

God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9–11


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, Vol­ume 1 (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1749), num­ber 194, alt. Af­ter preach­ing (in a Church).

Music: Grä­fen­berg Jo­hann Crü­ger, Prax­is Pi­eta­tis Me­li­ca, 1647 (🔊 ).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Jesu, ac­cept the grate­ful song,
My wis­dom, and my might,
’Tis Thou hast loosed the stam­mer­ing tongue,
And taught my hands to fight.

Thou, Je­sus, Thou my mouth hast been;
The wea­pons of Thy war,
Mighty thro’ Thee, I pull down sin,
And all Thy truth de­clare.

Not with­out Thee, my Lord, I am
Come up un­to this place,
Thy Spir­it bad me preach Thy name,
And trum­pet forth Thy praise.

Thy Spir­it gave me ut­ter­ance now,
My soul with strength en­dued,
Hardened to ada­mant my brow,
And armed my heart with God.

Thy pow­er­ful hand in all I see,
Thy wond­rous work­ings own,
Glory, and strength and praise to Thee
Ascribe, and Thee alone.

Gladly I own the pro­mise true
To all whom Thou dost send,
Behold, I al­ways am with you,
Your Sav­ior to the end!

Amen, amen, my God and Lord,
If Thou art with me still,
I still shall speak the Gos­pel word,
My min­is­try ful­fill.

Thee I shall con­stant­ly pro­claim,
Though earth and hell op­pose,
Bold to con­fess Thy glo­ri­ous name
Before a world of foes.

Jesus, the name high ov­er all,
In hell, or earth, or sky;
Angels and men be­fore it fall,
And de­vils fear and fly.

Jesus! the name to sin­ners dear,
The name to sin­ners giv’n;
It scat­ters all their guil­ty fear,
It turns their hell to Heav’n.

Balm in­to wound­ed souls it pours,
And heals the sin sick mind;
It hear­ing to the deaf re­stores,
And eye­sight to the blind.

Jesus! the pri­son­er’s fet­ters breaks,
And bruis­es Sa­tan’s head;
Power into strength­less hands it speaks,
And life in­to the dead.

O that the world might taste, and see
The rich­es of His grace!
The arms of love that com­pass me
Would all man­kind em­brace.

O that my Je­su’s heav’n­ly charms
Might ev­ery bo­som move!
Fly, sin­ners, fly in­to those arms
Of ev­er­last­ing love.

The Lov­er of your souls is near,
Him I to you com­mend,
Joyful the Bride­groom’s voice to hear,
Who calls a worm His friend.

He hath the Bride, and He alone,
Almighty to re­deem,
I on­ly make His mer­cies known,
I send you all to Him.

Sinners, be­hold the Lamb of God,
On Him your spir­its stay;
He bears the uni­vers­al load,
He takes your sins away.

His on­ly right­eous­ness I show,
His sav­ing grace pro­claim;
’Tis all my bu­si­ness here be­low
To cry Be­hold the Lamb!

For this a suf­fer­ing life I live,
And reck­on all things loss;
For Him my strength, my all I give,
And glo­ry in His cross.

I spend my­self, that you may know
The Lord, our right­eous­ness;
That Christ in you may live and grow,
I joy­ful­ly de­crease.

Glad I hast­en to de­cay,
My life I free­ly spend,
And lang­uish for the wel­come day,
When all my toil shall end.

Happy, if with my lat­est breath
I may but gasp His name,
Preach Him to all and cry in death,
Behold, be­hold the Lamb!