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Scripture Verse

Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3


Percy Dearmer (1867–1936)

Words: Per­cy Dear­mer, in The Eng­lish Hym­nal (Lon­don: Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 598.

Music: Quem Pas­tor­es, in a ma­nu­script from Hoh­en­furth (now Vyš­ší Brod, Czech­ia), 1410 (🔊 ).


Jesus, good ab­ove all oth­er,
Gentle child of gen­tle mo­ther,
In a sta­ble born our bro­ther,
Give us grace to per­sev­ere.

Jesus, cra­dled in a man­ger,
For us fac­ing ev­ery dan­ger,
Living as a home­less stran­ger,
Make we Thee our king most dear.

Jesus, for Thy peo­ple dy­ing,
Risen Mas­ter, death de­fy­ing,
Lord in Heav’n, Thy grace sup­ply­ing,
Keep us by Thine al­tar near.

Jesus, who our sor­rows bear­est,
All our thoughts and hopes Thou shar­est,
Thou to man the truth de­clar­est;
Help us all Thy truth to hear.

Lord, in all our do­ings guide us;
Pride and hate shall ne’er di­vide us;
We’ll go on with Thee be­side us,
And with joy we’ll per­sev­ere!