Scripture Verse

Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world. John 1:29


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1742), pag­es 27–28.

Music: Brom­ley (Lon­don), in the Lon­don Tune Book, be­fore 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Jesus, great Re­deem­er, hear
A fee­ble sin­ner’s cry;
Thou in my be­half ap­pear,
And bring sal­va­tion nigh:
To my Lord what shall I say?
Savior, I of Thee have need;
Take, O take my sins away,
And make me free in­deed.

Thee all-lovely as Thou art,
Should I pro­fess to love,
Surely my re­bel­lious heart
The false­hood would dis­prove:
Thee my heart can­not ob­ey
Till from ev­ery ev­il freed:
Take, O take my sins away,
And make me free in­deed.

Should I say, that aught in me
Of God doth now abide,
Self con­demned I now should be;
My all is self and pride.
Guilty, guil­ty must I say,
Nothing, Lord, have I to plead:
Take, O take my sins away,
And make me free in­deed.

No de­sire, or will have I
Thy mer­cy to em­brace;
From Thy arms of love I fly,
And slight Thy pro­ffered grace:
But Thou didst my ran­som pay,
But Thy blood for me was shed:
Take, O take my sins away,
And make me free in­deed.

Thy sal­va­tion to ob­tain,
Out of my­self I go,
Freely Thou must heal my pain,
Thy un­bought mer­cy show:
For my­self I can­not pray;
Let Thy Spir­it in­ter­cede:
Take, O take my sins away,
And make me free in­deed.

Not be­cause I will­ing am,
On me this grace be showed;
But Thou art th’aton­ing Lamb,
Therefore ap­ply Thy blood;
Therefore, Lord, no more de­lay,
Therefore heal my soul, and lead;
Take, O take my sins away,
And make me free in­deed.