They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, and he cried, saying,
Luke 18:37–38Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.
Words: Eliza E. Hewitt, in Songs of Joy and Gladness No. 2 (Boston, Massachusetts & Chicago, Illinois: McDonald, Gill & Company, 1890), number 43.
Music: John R. Sweney (🔊
Come, contrite one, and seek His grace,
Jesus is passing by;
See in His reconciling face,
The sunshine of the sky.
Passing by, passing by,
Hasten to meet Him on the way;
Jesus is passing by today;
Passing by, passing by.
Come, hungry one, and tell your need,
Jesus is passing by;
The Bread of Life your soul will feed,
And fully satisfy.
Come, weary one, and find sweet rest,
Jesus is passing by;
Come where the longing heart is blessed,
And on His bosom lie.
Come, burdened one, bring all your care,
Jesus is passing by;
The love that listens to your prayer
Will no good thing