Scripture Verse

Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


Phoebe W. Palmer (1807–1874)

Words: Phoe­be W. Pal­mer, Notes of Joy (New York: Wal­ter C. Pal­mer, 1869), page 47 (verses 1–5). Au­thor of verse 6 is un­known.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, 1882 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


Watch, ye saints, with eye­lids wak­ing,
Lo, the pow­ers of Heav’n are shak­ing,
Keep your lamps all trimmed and burn­ing,
Ready for your Lord’s re­turn­ing.


Lo! He comes, lo! Je­sus comes;
Lo! He comes, He comes all glo­ri­ous!
Jesus comes to reign vic­to­ri­ous,
Lo! He comes, yes! Je­sus comes.

Lo! the pro­mise of your Sav­ior;
Pardoned sins and pur­chased fa­vor,
Blood-washed robes and crowns of glo­ry;
Haste to tell re­demp­tion’s sto­ry.


Kingdoms at their base are crum­bling,
Hark! His cha­ri­ot wheels are rum­bling;
Tell, O tell of grace abound­ing,
While the se­venth trump is sound­ing.


Nations wane, though proud and state­ly,
Christ His kingdom hast­en­eth great­ly;
Earth her lat­est pangs is sum­ming,
Shout, ye saints, your Lord is com­ing.


Lamb of God—Thou meek and low­ly,
Judah’s li­on! high and ho­ly;
Lo! Thy bride comes forth to meet Thee,
All in blood washed robes to greet Thee.


Sinners, come, while Christ is plead­ing,
Now for you He’s in­ter­ced­ing;
Haste, ere grace and time di­min­ished
Shall pro­claim the mys­te­ry fin­ished.
