Scripture Verse

The God of our fathers hath glorified His Son Jesus. Acts 3:13


Elnathan E. Higbee (1830–1889)

Words: El­na­than E. Hig­bee, 1873.

Music: Chig­well Claude Gou­di­mel (1514–1572) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Claude Goudimel (1514–1572)


Jesus, o’er the grave vic­to­ri­ous,
Conquering death, and con­quer­ing hell,
Reign Thou in Thy might all glo­ri­ous,
Heav’n and earth Thy tri­umph swell.
Saints in Thee ap­proach the Fa­ther
Asking in Thy name alone;
He, in Thee, with love in­creas­ing,
Gives and glo­ri­fies the Son.

Down to earth in all its dark­ness
From the Fa­ther Thou didst come;
Seeking sin­ners in their blind­ness,
Calling earth’s poor ex­iles home;
By a life of love and la­bor
Doing all the Fa­ther’s will;
Giving to each sup­pli­ant suf­fer­er,
Precious balm for ev­ery ill.

Patient ev­er in well-do­ing,
Moving on in steps of blood,
Thro’ the grave to heights of glo­ry,
Reconciling us with God.
Here, in Thee, is peace for­ev­er;
We can tri­bu­la­tion bear;
Kiss Thy cross, with rap­ture know­ing
Thou hast con­quered suf­fer­ing there.