Scripture Verse

The Child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon Him. Luke 2:40


Words: Te­na C. Cook & Tho­mas M. Bow­dish, in Joy, ed­it­ed by Tho­mas Bow­dish (Brock­way­ville, Penn­syl­van­ia, 1889).

Music: Pur­due Tho­mas Bow­dish, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cook or Bow­dish (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I am so glad that Je­sus
Was once a child like me:
He came to earth from glo­ry,
And died up­on the tree;
His par­don ful­ly, free­ly,
On me He did be­stow,
His pre­cious blood on Cal­v’ry
Has paid the debt I owe.

I am so glad that Je­sus
Loves lit­tle ones like me:
His lov­ing eye is watch­ing
O’er me so ten­der­ly;
He knows my joy and sor­row,
He knows my ev­ery care;
And when I’m sad and lone­ly,
I’ll go to Him in pray­er.

I am so glad that Je­sus
From sin was ev­er free;
His life so pure and ho­ly,
Will be a guide to me;
I’ll fol­low where He lead­eth,
Yes, fol­low all the way,
I know He’ll safe­ly guide me
To realms of end­less day.

I am so glad that Je­sus
Now lives and reigns on high,
And if I love and serve Him,
I’ll meet Him by and by;
I know that when my tri­als
On earth shall all be o’er,
He’ll take me home to glo­ry,
To dwell for­ev­er­more.