Scripture Verse

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1 Timothy 1:15

Words: John R. Holt, in Gos­pel Songs and Hymns No. 1, ed­it­ed by George B. Hol­sing­er (Bridge­wa­ter, Vir­gin­ia: George B. Hol­sing­er, 1898), num­ber 69.

Music: Da­cia John R. Holt, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O, soul in the sha­dows, to Sa­tan a slave,
Accept the dear Sav­ior, He’s migh­ty to save.
Then why not be­lieve Him? He’s pass­ing this way;
Accept Him re­joic­ing, He’ll save you to­day.


’Tis Je­sus your Sav­ior that’s pass­ing this way;
Oh, list to His plead­ing, ac­cept him to­day.
’Tis Je­sus your Sav­ior that’s pass­ing this way;
Oh, list to His plead­ing, ac­cept him to­day.

Oh, think of His good­ness and in­fi­nite love,
He came from the por­tals of glo­ry above
To res­cue and save you; then hark­en and hear
The voice of His plead­ing, while Je­sus is near.


Soul, why will you lin­ger, and need­less­ly wait?
Time swift­ly is pass­ing, the hour grow­eth late.
The day of sal­va­tion hath dawned up­on you;
Then come to the Sav­ior, so lov­ing and true.
