Scripture Verse

Why stand ye here all the day idle? Matthew 20:6


John M. Bowman (1859–1944)

Words & Mu­sic: John M. Bow­man, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O sin­ner, why lin­ger in doubt and dis­may,
When Je­sus is rea­dy to save?
Accept His sal­va­tion, His call­ing ob­ey,
For you His own life-blood He gave.


Yes, Je­sus will par­don, His mer­cy is sure,
Come sin­ner, no long­er de­lay;
Accept His sal­va­tion, His love so pure,
And Je­sus will save you to­day.

Come, sin­ners, why stand ye here idle all day?
The Mas­ter is wait­ing for you;
Come en­ter the vine­yard, why lin­ger away?
Here you will find ser­vice to do.


Come bro­thers, why wait ye here, no­thing to do,
While oth­ers a stea­dy watch keep?
The fields are all whit­ened—the la­b’rers are few,
The har­vest is rea­dy to reap.


Oh, sinn­er, why tar­ry the call to ob­ey?
Persuaded, ac­cept­ing, al­most;
How sad if the death an­gel brook no de­lay,
So near to the king­dom, but lost.
