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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Tho­mas B. Poll­ock, Li­ta­ny Ap­pen­dix 1871.

Music: Zug John B. Dykes, pos­si­bly 1875 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Thomas B. Pollock


Jesus, with Thy Church abide,
Be her Sav­ior, Lord, and guide,
While on earth her faith is tried:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

May her voice be ev­er clear,
Warning of a judg­ment near,
Telling of a Sav­ior dear:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Keep her life and doc­trine pure,
Help her, pa­tient, to en­dure,
Trusting in Thy pro­mise sure:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

All her fet­tered pow­ers re­lease
Bid our strife and en­vy cease,
Grant the heav’n­ly gift of peace:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

May she one in doc­trine be,
One in truth and char­ity,
Winning all to faith in Thee:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

May she guide the poor and blind,
Seek the lost un­til she find,
And the broken heart­ed bind:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

May her priests Thy peo­ple feed,
Shepherds of the flock in­deed,
Ready, where Thou call’st, to lead:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Judge her not for work un­done,
Judge her not for fields un­won,
Bless her works in Thee be­gun:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

All that she has lost, re­store,
May her strength and zeal be more
Than in bright­est days of yore:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Raise her to her call­ing high,
Let the na­tions far and nigh
Hear Thy her­alds’ warn­ing cry:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

May her lamp of truth be bright,
Bid hear bear aloft its light
Through the realms of hea­then night:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

May she ho­ly tri­umphs win,
Overthrow the hosts of sin,
Gather all the na­tions in,
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

May she thus all glo­ri­ous be,
Spotless and from wrin­kle free,
Pure and bright, and wor­thy Thee:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.