He was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out,
Matthew 14:29–31Lord, save me!
Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. You of little faith,
He said, why did you doubt?
Words: Avis M. Christiansen, 1916.
Music: Haldor Lillenas (🔊
Lillenas originally wrote the tune for a song by Alfred Barrett, Let It Be You and I. The tune made its way to Arthur McKee, but McKee didn’t care for the lyrics, & asked Christiansen to try her hand at writing new words. The result was published in 1916 in Tabernacle Praises (edited by McKee). Lillenas wasn’t happy about the change in lyrics, but eventually accepted them when the song became popular.
Out of the depths to the glory above,
I have been lifted in wonderful love;
From every fetter my spirit is free,
For Jesus has lifted me!
Jesus has lifted me!
Jesus has lifted me!
Out of the night into glorious light,
Yes, Jesus has lifted me!
Out of the world into heavenly rest,
Into the land of the ransomed and blessed,
There in the glory with Him I shall be,
For Jesus has lifted me!
Out of myself into Him I adore,
There to hide in His love evermore;
Through endless ages His glory to see,
My Jesus has lifted me!