Scripture Verse

I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20


Henry L. Gilmour (1836–1920)

Words: Mrs. E. E. Will­iams (1832–1895). In a 1910 pub­li­ca­tion, the song was head­ed with this text: De­di­cat­ed to Rev. C. O. Mc­Col­loch, Cen­tral Il­li­nois Con­fer­ence.

Music: Pod­go­ri­ca Hen­ry L. Gil­mour, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Will­iams’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I have made my choice for­ev­er;
I will walk with Christ my Lord.
Naught from Him my soul can se­ver
While I’m trust­ing in His Word.
I the lone­ly way have tak­en,
Rough and toil­some though it be;
And al­though des­pised, for­sak­en,
Jesus, I’ll go through with Thee.

Though the gar­den lies be­fore me,
And the scorn­ful judg­ment hall,
Though the gloom of deep­est mid­night
Settles round me like a pall,
Darkness can af­fright me ne­ver;
From Thy pre­sence sha­dows flee.
And if Thou wilt guide me ev­er,
Jesus, I’ll go through with Thee.

Though the earth may rock and trem­ble,
Though the sun may hide its face,
Though my foes may be strong and ruth­less,
Still I dare to trust Thy grace.
Though the cross my path o’er­sha­dow,
Thou didst bear it once for me.
And whate’er the pain or per­il,
Jesus, I’ll go through with Thee.

When the con­flict here is end­ed,
And the wea­ry jour­ney done;
When the last grim foe is con­quered,
And the fi­nal vic­to­ry won;
When the pear­ly gates swing op­en,
And an en­trance full and free
Shall be grant­ed to the vic­tors,
Jesus, I’ll go through with Thee.