Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24:34


George Hugg (1848–1907)

Words: Ida L. Reed, in Fair­er Than Day (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: George C. Hugg, 1903), num­ber 208.

Music: George C. Hugg (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ida L. Reed (1865–1951)


Jesus is ris­en! peal out the sto­ry,
Chime all ye bells, let the tid­ings ring;
Sing ye glad voic­es, hail Him the Vic­tor,
Death He hath van­quished, all hail to the King.


Jesus is ris­en! peal out the sto­ry,
Send the glad news ov­er land and sea;
Jesus is ris­en, tri­um­phant, al­migh­ty,
Join in the song of the great ju­bi­lee.

Jesus is ris­en! once more He liv­eth,
Hail to our Sav­ior, Re­deem­er and Lord;
Our in­ter­ces­sor, ev­er and ev­er,
O’er us He keep­eth love’s watch and ward.


Jesus is ris­en! chime out tri­um­phant,
Glad bells of East­er the glo­ri­ous strain,
Out of death’s dark­ness into God’s glo­ry,
Jesus is ris­en, al­migh­ty to reign.
