Scripture Verse

Everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life. John 6:40


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749, Vol­ume 1, Part 2, num­ber 34.

Music: Sa­van­nah (Foun­de­ry) Foun­de­ry Col­lect­ion, 1742 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee;
Let us in Thy name agree;
Show Thy­self the Prince of peace,
Bid our jars* for­ev­er cease.

By Thy re­con­cil­ing love
Every stum­bling block re­move;
Each to each unite, en­dear;
Come, and spread Thy ban­ner here.

Make us of one heart and mind,
Courteous, pi­ti­ful, and kind,
Lowly, meek in thought and word,
Altogether like our Lord.

Let us for each other care,
Each his bro­ther’s bur­dens bear;
To Thy church the pat­tern give,
Show how true be­liev­ers live.

Free from anger, and from pride;
Let us thus in God abide;
All the depth of love ex­press,
All the height of ho­li­ness.

Let us then with joy re­move
To the fa­mi­ly above;
On the wings of an­gels fly,
Show how true be­liev­ers die.

*Probably in the sense of arguments or disputes.