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Scripture Verse

For Thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me. Psalm 31:3


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Thomas Hast­ings, Church Me­lo­dies (New York: 1858).

Music: Hol­ling­side John B. Dykes, 1861 (🔊 ).

Thomas Hastings


Jesus, mer­ci­ful and mild,
Lead me as a help­less child:
On no oth­er arm but Thine
Would my wea­ry soul re­cline.
Thou art rea­dy to for­give,
Thou canst bid the sin­ner live;
Guide the wan­der­er, day by day,
In the straight and nar­row way.

Thou canst fit me by Thy grace
For the heav’n­ly dwell­ing place;
All Thy pro­mis­es are sure,
Ever shall Thy love en­dure;
Then what more could I de­sire,
How to great­er bliss as­pire?
All I need, in Thee I see;
Thou art all in all to me.

Jesus, Sav­ior all di­vine,
Hast Thou made me tru­ly Thine?
Hast Thou bought me by Thy blood?
Reconciled my heart to God?
Hearken to my ten­der pray­er;
Let me Thine own im­age bear.
Let me love Thee more and more
Till I reach Heav’n’s bliss­ful shore.