Scripture Verse

There is joy among God’s angels when one sinner repents. Luke 15:10


Words & Mu­sic: Ri­chard K. Hig­gins, in Glo­ri­ous Things in Sac­red Song (De­la­ware, Ohio: Tul­li­us C. O’Kane, 1886), pag­es 52–53, alt. (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hig­gins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Is there joy among the an­gels,
In the courts of end­less day,
When a soul op­pressed with sad­ness
Walks no more the sin­ful way?
Can it be among the pur­est
Of that bright and hap­py throng,
There are those who, ’round our path­way
Waiting, long to wake the song?


There is joy among the an­gels,
There is joy among the an­gels
When a soul that long has wan­dered
Yields it­self to the Sav­ior’s love.

There is joy among the an­gels,
In the bless­èd home ab­ove,
And the ev­er blest Re­deem­er
Shows His ev­er­last­ing love,
When a soul bowed down with sor­row
Turns from sin’s de­struct­ive way
And by faith re­ceives the pro­mise,
Promise of eter­nal day.


There is joy among the an­gels,
When the cause of truth suc­ceeds,
When the clouds of sin and dark­ness
From its glo­ri­ous light re­cede;
Yes, where’er the heart of ang­uish,
White as snow or black with shame,
Comes with trust­ing faith to Je­sus,
Still they tune the lyre the same.
