Scripture Verse

Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1894. This song is unique: Both the ly­ri­cist & com­pos­er were blind!

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 pdf nwc).

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


Behold! a roy­al ar­my,
With ban­ner, sword and shield,
Are march­ing forth to con­quer,
On life’s great bat­tle­field;
Its ranks are filled with sol­diers,
United, bold and strong,
Who fol­lowed their com­mand­er,
And sing their joy­ful song.


Victory, vic­to­ry,
Thro’ Him that re­deemed us!
Victory, vic­to­ry,
Thro’ Je­sus Christ our Lord!
Victory, vic­to­ry, vic­to­ry,
Thro’ Je­sus Christ our Lord!

And now the foe, ad­vanc­ing,
That val­iant host as­sails,
And yet they ne­ver fal­ter,
Their cour­age ne­ver fails;
Their lead­er calls, Be faith­ful!
They pass the word along,
They see His sig­nal flash­ing,
And shout the joy­ful song.


Oh, when the war is end­ed,
When strife and con­flict cease,
When all are safe­ly ga­thered
Within the vale of peace,
Before the King eter­nal,
That vast and migh­ty throng
Shall praise His name for­ev­er,
And this shall be their song.
