Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1894. This song is unique: Both the lyricist & composer were blind!
Music: Adam Geibel (🔊
Behold! a royal army,
With banner, sword and shield,
Are marching forth to conquer,
On life’s great battlefield;
Its ranks are filled with soldiers,
United, bold and strong,
Who followed their commander,
And sing their joyful song.
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Him that redeemed us!
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
Victory, victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
And now the foe, advancing,
That valiant host assails,
And yet they never falter,
Their courage never fails;
Their leader calls, Be faithful!
They pass the word along,
They see His signal flashing,
And shout the joyful song.
Oh, when the war is ended,
When strife and conflict cease,
When all are safely gathered
Within the vale of peace,
Before the King eternal,
That vast and mighty throng
Shall praise His name forever,
And this shall be their song.