Scripture Verse

This man receiveth sinners. Luke 15:2


Erdmann Neumeister (1671–1756)

Words: Erd­mann Neu­meis­ter, Evan­gel­isch­er Nach­klang (Ham­burg, Ger­ma­ny: 1718) (Je­sus nimmt die Sünd­er an). Com­po­site trans­la­tion.

Music: Mein­em Je­sum lass ich nicht Neu­ver­fer­tig­es Ge­sang­buch (Darm­stadt, Ger­ma­ny: 1699) (🔊 pdf nwc).


Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive;
Oh, may all this say­ing pon­der
Who in sin’s de­lu­sions live
And from God and Hea­ven wan­der!
Here is hope for all who grieve—
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.

We de­serve but grief and shame,
Yet His words, rich grace re­veal­ing,
Pardon, peace and life pro­claim.
Here their ills have per­fect heal­ing
Who with hum­ble hearts be­lieve—
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.

Sheep that from the fold did stray
No true shep­herd e’er for­sak­eth;
Weary souls that lost their way
Christ, the Shep­herd, gent­ly tak­eth
In His arms that they may live—
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.

Come, ye sin­ners, one and all,
Come, ac­cept His in­vi­ta­tion;
Come, obey His gra­cious call,
Come and take His free sal­va­tion!
Firmly in these words be­lieve:
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.

I, a sin­ner, come to Thee
With a pe­ni­tent con­fess­ion;
Savior, mer­cy show to me
Grant for all my sins rem­iss­ion.
Let these words my soul re­lieve:
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.

Oh, how blest it is to know:
Were as scar­let my trans­gress­ion,
It shall be as white as snow
By Thy blood and bit­ter Pass­ion;
For these words I now be­lieve:
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.

Now my con­science is at peace,
From the Law I stand ac­quit­ted;
Christ hath pur­chased my re­lease
And my ev­ery sin re­mit­ted.
Naught re­mains my soul to grieve—
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.

Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.
Also I have been for­giv­en;
And when I this earth must leave,
I shall find an op­en Hea­ven.
Dying, still to Him I cleave—
Jesus sin­ners doth re­ceive.