Scripture Verse

This night thy soul shall be required of thee. Luke 12:20


Oswald J. Smith (1889–1986)

Words: Os­wald J. Smith, in The Voice of Thanks­giv­ing No. 2, ed­it­ed by Da­ni­el Tow­ner (Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1916), num­ber 20.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel B. Towner (1850–1919)


Are you liv­ing for to­day,
With the fu­ture far away,
Knowing not that ere the night
Death may come and claim his right?
Then, I bid you stop and think
Ere you reach the aw­ful brink,
For ’twill then be all too late,
To avoid your certain fate!


Are you rea­dy for the judg­ment day?
Are you rea­dy for the judg­ment day?
Have you par­don full and free
Through the Sav­ior slain for thee?
Are you rea­dy for the judg­ment day?

Have you turned away the Light,
Sought the darkness and the night?
Do you tread in error’s way,
And avoid the Sav­ior’s way?
Oh, beware! beware, I pray,
And the voice of God obey,
For to turn away the Light
Is to dwell in endless night!


Have you lost the sense of sin,
Silenced con­science’s voice with­in,
Placed the judg­ment far away,
Fought the light and shunned the day?
You will meet in sin or grace,
Meet the Sav­ior face to face;
’Tis for you the ques­tion when?
You must meet Him now or then.


Is it bet­ter then to sin
Than to have His peace with­in?
For the Sav­ior came to God,
Bending low be­neath the rod—
Died for guil­ty sin­ners lost,
Paid the debt at fear­ful cost;
Oh, then come! no long­er wait,
Ere for­ev­er ’tis too late!
