If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me.
Psalm 139:9–10
Words: Anonymous, in Sacred Melodies for Social Worship, edited by H. Mattison (New York: Mason Brothers, 1859), number 455.
Music: H. P. M. (🔊
The judgment day is coming, coming, coming,
The judgment day is coming, O that great day!
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And fly away to Jesus,
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And sound the jubilee.
I heard the trumpet sounding, sounding, sounding,
I heard the trumpet sounding, on that great day.
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And fly away to Jesus,
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And sound the jubilee.
I saw the Judge descending, descending, descending,
I saw the Judge descending, on that great day.
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And fly away to Jesus,
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And sound the jubilee.
I see the dead arising, arising, arising,
I see the dead arising, on that great day.
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And fly away to Jesus,
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And sound the jubilee.
I see the world assembled, assembled, assembled,
I see the world assembled, on that great day.
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And fly away to Jesus,
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And sound the jubilee.
I hear the sentence uttered, uttered, uttered,
I heard the sentence uttered, on that great day
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And fly away to Jesus,
Let us take the wings of the morning,
And sound the jubilee.
I hear the wicked wailing, wailing, wailing,
I hear the wicked wailing, on that great day.
For they took not the wings of the morning,
Nor flew away to Jesus;
For they took not the wings of the morning,
Nor sang the jubilee.
I heard the righteous shouting, shouting, shouting,
I heard the righteous shouting, on that great day.
For they took the wings of the morning,
And flew away to Jesus;
For they took the wings of the morning,
And sang the jubilee.