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Scripture Verse

We…joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:11


John M. Neale (1818–1866)


Words: Va­ri­ous­ly at­trib­ut­ed to Ber­nard of Clair­vaux, or to an 11th Cen­tu­ry ab­bess (Je­su du­lcis me­mor­ia). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by John M. Neale (1818–1866).

Music: Ab­schied Wen­zel Müll­er, 1828 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Wenzel Müller (1767–1835)


Jesu! the ve­ry thought is sweet!
In that dear name all heart-joys meet;
But sweet­er than the ho­ney far
The glimps­es of His pre­sence are.

No word is sung more sweet than this:
No name is heard more full of bliss;
No thought brings sweet­er com­fort nigh,
Than Je­sus, Son of God most high.

Jesu! the hope of souls for­lorn!
How good to them for sin that mourn!
To them that seek Thee, O how kind!
But what art Thou to them that find?

Jesu, Thou sweet­ness, pure and blest,
Truth’s fount­ain, light of souls dis­tressed,
Surpassing all that heart re­quires,
Exceeding all that soul de­sires!

No tongue of mor­tal can ex­press,
No let­ters write His bless­ed­ness,
Alone who hath Thee in his heart
Knows, love of Je­sus! what Thou art.

O Je­su! King of won­drous might!
O Victor, glo­ri­ous from the fight!
Sweetness that may not be ex­pressed,
And al­to­ge­ther love­li­est!

Remain with us, O Lord, to­day!
In ev­ery heart Thy grace dis­play;
That now the shades of night are fled,
On Thee our spir­its may be fed.

All ho­nor, laud and glo­ry be,
O Je­su, vir­gin-born, to Thee!
All glo­ry, as is ev­er meet,
To Fa­ther and to Pa­ra­clete.