We…joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:11
Words: Variously attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux, or to an 11th Century abbess (Jesu dulcis memoria). Translated from Latin to English by John M. Neale (1818–1866).
Music: Abschied Wenzel Müller, 1828 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
Jesu! the very thought is sweet!
In that dear name all heart-joys meet;
But sweeter than the honey far
The glimpses of His presence are.
No word is sung more sweet than this:
No name is heard more full of bliss;
No thought brings sweeter comfort nigh,
Than Jesus, Son of God most high.
Jesu! the hope of souls forlorn!
How good to them for sin that mourn!
To them that seek Thee, O how kind!
But what art Thou to them that find?
Jesu, Thou sweetness, pure and blest,
Truth’s fountain, light of souls distressed,
Surpassing all that heart requires,
Exceeding all that soul desires!
No tongue of mortal can express,
No letters write His blessedness,
Alone who hath Thee in his heart
Knows, love of Jesus! what Thou art.
O Jesu! King of wondrous might!
O Victor, glorious from the fight!
Sweetness that may not be expressed,
And altogether loveliest!
Remain with us, O Lord, today!
In every heart Thy grace display;
That now the shades of night are fled,
On Thee our spirits may be fed.
All honor, laud and glory be,
O Jesu, virgin-born, to Thee!
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete.