Scripture Verse

Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Words: Fred­er­ick W. Van­der­sloot, 1906.

Music: Ma­bel F. Gohl (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Van­der­sloot or Gohl (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Keep on pray­ing to God on high,
Keep on pray­ing, He hears your cry;
God will an­swer the sin­cere heart,
Keep on pray­ing, He will do His part.


For Je­sus hears you,
He’s list­en­ing, list­en­ing to your plea,
So keep on pray­ing,
And He will an­swer thee.

Keep on pray­ing when bowed with sin,
Keep on pray­ing and you will win;
Jesus suf­fered on Cal­va­ry,
Keep on pray­ing, He will an­swer thee.


Keep on pray­ing, you’ll grow in grace,
Keep on pray­ing and win the race;
Jesus loves you, His Word is true,
Keep on pray­ing, He will an­swer you.


Keep on pray­ing, He’s ev­er near,
Keep on pray­ing, ’twill ban­ish fear;
Thro’ the valley He’ll walk with thee;
Guide thy foot­steps to eter­ni­ty.


Keep on pray­ing all through the strife,
Prayer will pur­chase a crown of life;
Heav’n is ring­ing with songs above;
Hallelujahs, for a Sav­ior’s love!
