Scripture Verse

The precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 1 Peter 1:19


Words: 11th Cen­tu­ry La­tin, au­thor un­known (Je­su Re­demp­tor om­ni­um, quem lu­cis an­te orig­in­em). Trans­lat­ed from the 1632 Ro­man Bre­vi­ary by Ro­bert Camp­bell, Hymns and An­thems, 1850.

Music: Yar­brough, Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (1816–1868) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William B. Bradbury (1816–1868)


Lamb, whose blood for all men streamed,
Light, that shone ere morn­ing beamed,
God and God’s eter­nal Son,
Ever with the Fa­ther one;

Splendor of the Fa­ther’s light,
Star of hope for ev­er bright,
Hearken to the pray­ers that flow
From Thy ser­vants here below.

Lord, re­mem­ber that in love
Thou didst leave Thy throne above,
Man’s frail na­ture to as­sume
In the ho­ly vir­gin’s womb.

Now Thy Church, each circ­ling year,
Celebrates that love so dear;
Love that brought Thee here alone,
For the guil­ty to atone.

Let not earth alone re­joice,
Seas and skies unite their voice
In a new song, to the morn
When the Lord of life was born.

Ransomed by the ho­ly tide
Shed from Thy most pre­cious side,
Joyful let us hail the morn
When the Lord of life was born.

Virgin-born, to Thee be praise,
Now and through eter­nal days;
Father, eq­ual praise to Thee,
With the Spir­it, ever be.