Scripture Verse

He cometh to judge the earth. Psalm 98:9


Hermon G. Batterson (1827–1903)

Words: Her­mon G. Bat­ter­son, Christ­mas ca­rols and Other Vers­es (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. B. Lip­pin­cott, 1877), pag­es 19–20.

Music: Chal­font ar­ranged from Franz J. Hay­dn (1732–1809) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Franz J. Haydn (1732–1809)


The last dread trump is sound­ing!
Heaven’s pear­ly gates un­fold;
The Judge, with might abound­ing,
Ye nations, now be­hold!
Heaven is shak­ing, earth is quak­ing,
Death’s grim re­cord see un­rolled.

With an­gel hosts sur­round­ed,
On glo­ry clouds His throne!
Hell’s le­gions now con­found­ed,
Must yield the King His own.
Sinners moan­ing, crimes now own­ing,
Which be­fore were all un­known!

In pi­te­ous tones now plead­ing,
In ter­ror and in fear;
All oth­er cries un­heed­ing
Save this one, Sav­ior, hear!
Man is sigh­ing, bit­ter cry­ing!
See at last the Judge ap­pear.

Let faith­ful souls, vic­to­ri­ous,
With joy and glad­ness sing;
While hea­ven­ly hosts all glo­ri­ous,
On light and joy­ous wing,
With the sto­ry of His glo­ry
Make the star­ry arch­es ring!

With shouts of rapt de­vo­tion
And songs of ho­ly joy,
From ocean back to ocean,
Ye saints, your tongues em­ploy;
Filled with glad­ness, past all sad­ness,
Peace He brings with­out al­loy!