They shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for His only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
Zechariah 12:10
Words: Thomas Olivers, written as a poem in the mid-18th Century. Numerous centos have subsequently been extracted from it: The version below was published in 1804 in Dalry, Scotland.
Music: Coronae William H. Monk, 1871 (🔊
Come, immortal King of Glory!
Now with all Thy saints appear;
While astonished worlds adore Thee,
And the dead Thy clarions hear.
Shine refulgent,
And Thy deity maintain.
Hail! the world’s adored creator!
In Thy radiant vesture seen.
Hail! the Lord of life and nature!
Hail th’almighty Nazarene!
They who pierced Him,
Every eye shall see Him come.
But how different the sensation!
Saints, with joy and rapture filled,
Glow with holy exultation,
To redemption’s glory sealed;
While the wicked
Wail His coming’s dread design.
Lo! He comes with clouds descending:
Hark! the trump of God is blown:
And th’archangel’s voice attending,
Makes the high procession known.
Sons of Adam,
Rise, and stand before your God!
Crowns and scepters fall before Him,
Kings and conquerors own His sway;
Haughtiest monarchs now adore Him,
While they see His lightnings play.
How triumphant
Is the world’s Redeemer now!
Light primeval, in its luster,
Doth in Jesu’s aspect shine;
Blazing comets are not fiercer
Than His eyes of flame divine;
Oh! how dreadful!
Doth the Crucified appear!
Hear His voice as mighty thunder,
Sounding in eternal roar,
While its echo rends in sunder
Rocks and mountains, sea and shore.
Hark! His accents
Through th’unfathomed deep resound!
See His throne of jasper whiteness,
Throne of justice and of grace,
See Jehovah’s equal brightness
Shining in Emmanuel’s face.
Saints exulting,
Shout with joy th’accomplished prayer.
Come, Lord Jesus, O come quickly,
Oft has prayed the mourning Bride.
Lo, He answers, I come quickly.
Who Thy coming may abide?
All who loved Him,
All who longed to see His day.
See the awful expectation!
See the heav’ns themselves on fire!
Melting in the conflagration,
See the elements expire
While the trumpet
Blows around, Ye dead, arise!
Lo! the dead arise, and standing
At their great creator’s bar:
While the Judge of all commanding,
Cries, To meet your God prepare.
All whose judgments
And His way are equal found.
Now the dreadful volumes opening,
Scenes of various deeds disclose,
While the Judge proclaims the sentence,
Righteous sentence on His foes;
Wrath to sinners;
To His saints, the crown of life!
Gather ye His saints together,
Now with Him in judgment sit:
See the vile as stubble wither,
Ashes now beneath your feet!
While His vengeance
Seals their everlasting doom.
Hark! the universal groaning;
Hark! the cries of guilt and fear:
Hear them each his fate bemoaning,
Each the cause bemoaning hear.
God no longer
Patient, merciful, or kind.
Come, ye mountains, fall upon us,
Come, ye rocks, our heads conceal;
For the day is now come on us,
Day of wrath that burns to hell
Where the gnawing
Worm of conscience never dies.
Where no more for them remaining,
Hope no more awaits their call;
But in iron bonds detaining,
Heav’n’s high justice binds up all;
While His mercy
To remorseless judgment turns.
Lo! the God of all contending,
Calls the heavens from afar,
Bids, O earth, thy sons, attending,
Hear Him, for Himself, declare!
All His wisdom,
All His righteous acts unfold.
Stop for ever all complaining;
Stop the mouth of murmuring pride.
Fools no more their God disdaining,
Atheists now no more deride,
But with trembling
Wait His judgments last award!
Go from Me,
He saith, ye cursèd!
Ye, for whom I bled in vain,
Who My utmost grace resisted,
Go ye to unending pain
Lord almighty,
True and righteous are Thy ways!
He saith, ye heirs of glory!
Come, ye purchase of My blood,
Claim the kingdom now before you,
Rise, and fill the mount of God,
Fixed for ever,
Where the Lamb on Sion stands!
See ten thousand burning seraphs
From their thrones as lightnings fly!
they cry, your seats above us,
Nearest Him that rules the sky.
Patient sufferers,
How rewarded are you now!
Ransomed victors, see His ensign,
Waving high in purpled air!
Jesus with His ancients reigning,
Shall to each His conquest share:
He who made them
More than conquerors through His blood.
Now their trials all are ended,
Now the dubious warfare’s o’er;
Joy no more with sorrow blended;
They shall sigh and weep no more;
God for ever
Wipes the tear from every eye.
Through His passion, all victorious,
How they drink immortal wine;
In Emmanuel’s likeness glorious,
As the firmament they shine;
Shine for ever
With the bright and morning Star.
Where His scepter’s sway extending,
Jesus high His right maintains;
Heaven, and earth, and hell commanding,
God omnipotent He reigns;
Prince of princes!
King of kings and Lord of lords!
Shining in His bright expansion
King of saints behold Him be!
Joy of each adorning mansion,
Sunk for ever at His feet.
Lord of glory!
And His kingdom without end!
Shout aloud, ye ethereal choirs,
Triumph in Jehovah’s praise,
Kindle all your heavenly fires,
All your palms of victory raise:
Shout His conquests,
Shout, Salvation to the Lamb.
See in sacred pomp ascending,
Jesus and His glorious train;
Countless myriads, now attending,
Hail the empyrean plain.
First and last, and Lord of all!
In full triumph see them marching,
Through the gates of massy light;
While the city walls are sparkling,
With meridian glory bright.
O how lovely
Are the dwellings of the Lamb!
See His beauty all resplendent:
See Him in the Godhead shine;
See Him above all transcendent,
Full of deity divine.
Hail! Eternal!
Sovereign Lord of worlds unknown!
On His throne of sapphired azure,
High above all height He reigns:
Reigns the fount of endless pleasure;
Self-subsistent He remains.
How diffusive
Shines the uncreated blaze!
Hosts angelic all adore Him,
Circling round His orient seat,
Elders cast their crowns before Him,
Fall and worship at His feet.
O how holy,
And how reverent is Thy name!
Shout aloud the new creation,
All ye heav’nly arches ring,
Echo to the Lord—Salvation,
Glory to th’eternal King!
Dread Jehovah!
God with God! and Son of man!
I am Alpha and Omega,
I the First and Last am He:
He who was, and is to come.
Who am, and will for ever be:
Jah, Jehovah!
Jah, Jehovah is My name!
Hail! Thou Alpha and Omega,
First and last of all alone!
He that is, and was, and shall be,
And beside whom there is none.
Take the glory,
Great eternal Three in One!