Scripture Verse

The precepts of the Lord are right. Psalm 19:8


Words: Mat­thi­as Loy, 1873.

Music: Er­halt uns, Herr Geist­liche Lied­er (Wit­ten­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1543) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Matthias Loy (1828–1915)


The law of God is good and wise,
And sets His will be­fore our eyes,
Shows us the way of right­eous­ness,
And dooms to death when we trans­gress.

Its light of ho­li­ness im­parts
The know­ledge of our sin­ful hearts,
That we may see our lost es­tate
And seek de­li­ver­ance ere too late.

To those who help in Christ have found
And would in works of love abound
It shows what deeds are His de­light
And should be done as good and right.

When men the of­fered help dis­dain
And will­ful­ly in sin remain,
Its ter­ror in their ear re­sounds
And keeps their wick­ed­ness in bounds.

The law is good, but since the fall
Its ho­li­ness con­demns us all;
It dooms us for our sin to die
And has no pow­er to jus­ti­fy.

To Je­sus we for re­fuge flee,
Who from the curse has set us free,
And hum­bly wor­ship at His throne,
Saved by His grace through faith alone.